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Weekly Journal: 1/24-1/27 2022


Updated: Feb 14, 2022

We've been using some big loose parts to build and construct with. Plastic hoops, stumps, large boards, and wood pieces have become houses, boats, and rocket ships.

The sun has been starting to come out in the afternoons. One day this week it came out right at the end of lunch, and there was no way we were going to go inside for rest time. We brought our mats out and laid in the sun instead while Polly read aloud from My Father's Dragon.

The climbing dome was transformed into a magical place when we covered it with the rainbow parachute. Owen and Ozzie made up a game called "Booty Work". It involved swinging, bouncing on the big yellow ball, and lots of chanting: "Time for booty work!"

For Tobe and Sadie, it transformed into a house where they prepared a dinner picnic.

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