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  • Days & Hours
    We are open 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday. Except by prior arrangement, Arrival is between 8:00 am - 9:30 am, and Departure is between 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. Extended Care is available from 7:30-8am and from 5-5:30pm for an additional fee. We are open year-round, closed on the last Friday of each month for staff development, closed for all federal holidays, and occasionally close for short breaks throughout the year. Dates may be found on our Calendar. We follow the Olympia School District for Snow Day closures. If OSD cancels classes, we will also be closed for the day. If OSD schedules a late start, we will be open at 10:00am.
  • Daily Rhythm
    7:30-8 - Before Care 8:00 - Arrival & Indoor Play 9:30 - Morning Snack 10:00 - Indoor Play/Project Time 10:45 - Circle 11:00 - Outdoor Play 12:00 - Lunch 1:00 - Rest Time 2:00 - Quiet Activities 3:00 - Afternoon Snack 3:30 - Outdoor Play 5:00 - School Closed 5-5:30 - After Care Our rhythm is subject to change based on the needs of the children and teachers, and is slightly different in each classroom.
  • Classrooms and Schedules
    Each Classroom serves a mixed-age group of children. Spending multiple years in the same group allows younger children to learn from older ones, and gives the oldest a chance to take on a leadership role. The Thimbleberry Room enrolls children who are ages 1-3 by September 1st. The Salmonberry Room enrolls children ages 3-5 by September 1st, and who are toileting independently. Both rooms offer Full Time (5 day), 3 day (M/W/F), and 2 day (T/Th) schedules.
  • Meals
    We provide morning and afternoon snack, and families provide a packed lunch. Morning snack usually includes a whole grain option with fruit, and afternoon snack is usually a vegetable plus a protein like cheese or hummus.
  • Rest
    We provide cots for rest time, and families provide bedding. We ease into rest time after lunch with quiet music and a darkened room.
  • Outdoor Play
    We value outdoor play, and play outside daily. We take a walk to the Garfield Nature Trail at least once a week. In the case of inclement weather we will remain inside. Inclement weather includes temperatures over 100 degrees or under 20 degrees, severe storms, or in the case of wildfire smoke, an Air Quality Index over 100. Families provide appropriate outdoor clothing such as appropriate warm layers, rain boots, a waterproof rain suit, or a sun hat, depending on the season. "There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing."
  • Illness & Immunizations
    We follow the WA DCYF illness exclusion policy. We enroll children who are up-to-date on vaccinations according to the WA Immunization Schedule. We do not accept religious or philosophical exemptions.
  • Family Engagement
    We value building relationships as a community, and host four seasonal potlucks throughout the year. In the Fall, Winter, and Spring, we encourage families to attend conferences to provide time for relationship-building between families and teachers, and in-depth communication about your child.
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